A personal project I've worked on for roughly 3-3.5 months in Unreal Engine 4. I knew from the beginning that this was going to be a long ride as my goal was to learn as much as possible and push my skills further. Some of my goals were to try my own compositions, learn SpeedTree and GAEA. I also wanted to create a larger environment rather than focusing on one single composition.
All the assets are made by me. Models were created in Maya and Speedtree, Sculpts were created with Zbrush, Materials created in Substance Designer, High Polys were baked in Marmoset , models were textured using Substance Painter and the scene was created with the help of Unreal Engine 4. Cloth (for things like the bedsheets was made in Marvelous Designer). The Sand materials was created with B2M. I used Tyler Smith's tutorial as a base for creating the ocean shader.
To work on this has both been a blast and a challenge, but a challenge I really appreciated.
Trespasser Flythrough